Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Team SurfEars!!

For a while now i've been concerned about surfers ear. I won't go into a huge amount of detail, but its a pretty unpleasant condition, common in all watersport enthusiasts which involves bony growth developing in the ear canal. Once these get to a point, they must be drilled out... yeah not nice.

Although i know i should wear ear plugs, they normally mean that you can't hear and effect your balance, something which can cause quite an issue when whitewater kayaking, or coaching. 

So when i discovered SurfEars, it was the answer to everything i was looking for! 
The clever construction allows sound to pass yet keep water out.

Pop over to  the SurfEars website for more info on this great product!

I'm excited to have joined the team and look forward to using them more over the coming months! 

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